一直很喜歡這首歌, 最早是有Nat King Cole唱的原文版本, 後來在pub聽到朋友在放Cake唱的英文版, 這才知道這首歌也有英文歌詞. 其實之後就沒有特別留意這首歌了, 一直到在同學家看到BBC的影集Coupling裡, 把這首歌拿來做片頭片尾曲, 才有注意起這首歌. 比起Cake搖滾的唱著這首歌, 我比較喜歡Coupling的版本, 沙啞的女聲有點低沉的唱著 perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... 其實歌詞很有意思, 再配上Coupling裡面男女交鋒的劇情...
愛就說愛, 不愛就說不愛, 把人家吊在半空中是很不道德的行為, 請不要想要對方眷寵, 又不想付出承諾, 一直說, Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps...
============== 我是分隔縣=================
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
you won't admit you love me.
and so how am i ever to know?
you always tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
a million times i ask you,
and then i ask you over
again, you only answer
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
if you can't make your mind up,
we'll never get started.
and i don't wanna wind up
being parted, broken-hearted.
so if you really love me,
say yes.
but if you don't, dear, confess.
and please don't tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
if you can't make your mind up,
we'll never get started.
and i don't wanna wind up
being parted, broken-hearted.
so if you really love me,
say yes.
but if you don't, dear, confess.
and please don't tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps,
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps,
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.