最近不停的在聽Chet Baker, 聽到開始覺得自己是不是開始發神經...
我一直很喜歡Chet Baker那種半是呢喃半是唱歌的調調, 我手邊的這張Chet Baker Sings 應該是我前幾張入手的Jazz相關CD之一吧. 這張專輯一直在我的ipod mini裡面沒有殺掉, 除了懶得重新把專輯input到新筆電的iTune之外, 也是因為我非常常聽這張專輯. 只是像最近一樣, 出門也聽回家也聽倒是少有.
整張專輯歌不少, 但是在腦袋裡面一直繞著這一首 -- I get along without you very well
印象中好像沒有聽過其他人唱過這首歌, 不過我也很難想像其他人唱這首歌的感覺. 我唯一可以想像的是Billie Holiday, 但是她唱起來可能會太悲傷了一點, 應該不會有Chet Baker那種"故做輕快", 但卻又掩飾不住落寞的調調...
I get along without you very well
Chet Baker
I get along without you very well, of course I do
Except when soft rains fall and drip from leaves, then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms, of course I do
But I get along without you very well
I've forgotten you just like I should, of course I have
Except to hear your name
Or someone's laugh that is the same
But I've forgotten you just like I should
What a guy, what a fool am I
To thank my breaking heart could kick the mood
What's in store? Should I phone once more?
No, it's best that I stick to my tune
I get along without you very well, of course I do
Except perhaps in Spring
But I should never think of Spring
For that would surely break my heart in two
- Nov 15 Sat 2008 02:23
I get along without you very well - by Chet Baker