

  其實是想幫一個好姊妹打理一下,所以在ivillage.com閒逛,順便放空腦袋,看到這篇文章總覺得應該要分享給眾多跟我一樣的宅女姊妹們,也算是提醒自己吧! (Yeah~ if I really do care~)


Meeting Mr. Right: 10 Ways to Make a Great First Impression
預見白馬王子: 十個留下美好第一印象的方法

Picture this. You and the cutest guy you've ever glimpsed are on an elevator speeding down to the ground floor. Or the scene is the grocery store and the handsome hunk of your desires is squeezing melons in the next aisle. Your palms are sweaty; your mouth is dry. If you don't say or do the right thing, your window of opportunity to hook this handsome stranger will close. What's an interested singleton to do?

1. Relax. 放鬆
Testani has seen those overeager to impress make many mistakes, ranging from talking way too fast to spilling a drink on their intended to tipping over a table. She says, "Before you launch into your clever spiel that you are sure will attract the other person, take a deep breath. Have a brief reality check. What happens in the next few minutes is not that important in the scheme of things. Just try to have fun and not be too tied to the outcome."

2. Catch the "fun bug."
Don't be Serious Sarah. Surely you've noticed how everyone gravitates to the person in the room who looks most like she's enjoying herself. Testani says, "Looking like you're having a good time is contagious. Besides, you're probably cuter when you smile."

3. Don't knock yourself out trying to be clever.
Think about how much you hate guys' lame pickup lines. That's because they're usually forced and unnatural. The best line is no line. Try, "Hello, my name is ..."

4. The eyes have it.
"Looking in the direction of a guy's crotch is as rude as him staring at your bosom," warns the dating expert. She adds, "It isn't much better to look off to the side or at another person." Gaze warmly into his eyes and hopefully one day soon you'll be gazing together at the moon.

粉累了, 剩下的明天有心情再補好了~

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