Best Ever Muffins


Ingredients :
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C)
2. Stir together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the center. In a small bowl or 2 cup measuring cup, beat egg with a fork. Stir in milk and oil. Pour all at once into the well in the flour mixture. Mix quickly and lightly with a fork until moistened, but do not beat. The batter will be lumpy. Pour the batter into paper lined muffin pan cups.
3. Variations: Blueberry Muffins : Add 1 cup fresh blueberries. Raisin Muffins : Add 1 cup finely chopped raisins. Date Muffins : Fold in 1 cup finely chopped dates. Cheese Muffins : Fold in 1 cup grated sharp yellow cheese. Bacon Muffins : Fold 1/4 cup crisp cooked bacon, broken into bits.
4. Bake for 25 minutes, or until golden.

  前一陣子突然很想吃Muffin,大概也是前一陣子想念在美國生活的後遺症。在美國其實也玩過幾次Muffins, 但是from scratch這個大概是第一次。在all recipes的網站上也找了幾不少有興趣的食譜,不過有些材料還真的取得不易。這陣子沒有機會去買香蕉,不然還真的想要試試Banana Muffins。不愛吃香蕉的我,居然超愛Banana Bread跟Banana Muffins,想來還真是有些奇怪。

  昨天突然想要做Muffins,只好下班後再去努力張羅材料。本來滿懷希望的跑去師大路的食材專賣店 -- 媽咪商店,想要弄一個烤Muffins的烤盤,研究過食譜其實不太難,裡面的含油量跟餅乾比起來真是健康太多了,以後大概會常做吧。理想狀態是星期六早上現烤的Muffins當Brunch,用想的都覺得很棒!但是在媽咪商店居然只有很貴的布丁模,貴就算了,Size還不太對。老闆後來推薦我買有蠟紙做內襯的墊紙來烤muffins。其實用墊紙也還蠻方便的,只是那個墊紙也真的不便宜,而且只能用一次。改天可能得要到處看看哪裡有在賣烤盤,說不定可以去天母逛逛看看囉!在媽咪商店也順便帶了一罐blueberries罐頭,準備來烤Blueberries Muffins。其實照食譜可能用fresh blueberries會比較好,不過台灣不但fresh blueberries難買,價錢可能也很貴吧。

  比起動不動就要好幾條奶油才能烤的餅乾,12個Muffins只有1/4杯的油,而且還是植物油,看來是比較健康的選擇。其實這個食譜的好處是,似乎可以因為配料的改變做很多的變化。說不定下次可以來試試看作Apple Muffins,只是不知道台北可以在哪裡找到Apple Sauce。



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