
  剛剛在mlb.com看到的,超級好笑,讓我忍不住丟下該寫的case writeup來弄這篇新文章。mlb.comnews section報導Curt SchillingRed Sox裡我很喜歡的投手,在第六戰負傷上陣,雖然賽後訪問他說他第四局就開始struggling (我完全看不出來哪裡struggling就是了),還是一路撐到第七局,應該是那場比賽贏球最大功臣,也讓Red Sox在第七戰繼續有投手可以用,週四晚上在David LettermanLate Show with David Letterman裡幫忙播報Top 10 ListTop 10 ListLate Show with David Letterman裡的一大招牌,每次都有一個主題,然後列出The Top 10 List。先說明,Late Show with David Letterman是在紐約做的,在Yankees要去Boston打球的前一天,還看到Billy Crystal上節目,他是個超級Yankees Fan,還在嘲笑Red Sox球員的鬍子。Curt SchillingTop 10 List主題是「Secrets to the Boston Red Sox Comeback」。下面就是Top 10 List :

10. Unlike the first three games, we didn't leave early to beat the traffic.

9. We put flu virus in Jeter's Gatorade.

8. Let's just say Pete Rose[1] made some phone calls for us.

7. We asked Pokey Reese[2] to be a little less Pokey.

6. It's not like we haven't won a big game before -- it's just been 86 years.

5. Honestly, I think we were tired of hearing about the Patriots[3].

4. The messages of encouragement Martha[4] sent on prison napkins.

3. We pretended the baseball was Letterman's[5] head.

2. What'd you expect -- we have a guy who looks like Jesus!

1. We got Babe Ruth's ghost a hooker and now everything's cool[6].


[1] MLB球員,好賭,曾拿自己球隊賭博,有一部電影叫Hustle就是說他的故事。

[2] Pokey ReeseRed Sox的游擊手,Pokey也有慢吞吞的意思。

[3] Patriots (新英格蘭愛國者隊,同是在boston的球隊)最近打破NFL連勝紀錄,目前跨季20連勝。

[4] Martha Steward,生活美化專家(?),因為股票內線交易,前一陣子正式進監獄。

[5] David LettermanLate Show with David Letterman的主持人。

[6] 貝比魯斯好女色出名的,所以幫他的鬼魂找個妓女就沒事了!


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