Midnight.. Alone..

  有個朋友問我說, 現在你的CD Player裡面是哪張CD. 根據他的解釋, 這是問 "你聽哪種音樂" 最正確的問法, 因為許多人可能買了各種CD但不會放進他的CD Player裡, 或就只放那麼一次. (我有許多張CD就是這樣擱在架子上許久. ) 我的CD Player在好一陣子只唱Billie Holiday的Lady in Satin.

  在冬天的午夜, 一個人的時間和空間, 心情沉澱下來, 單純的沉浸在Lady Day的吟唱聲中, 發現自己心中最深的那一塊是非常藍調的. 曾經以為自己喜歡Ella Fitzgerald的搖擺多一些, 畢竟Swing 和 Big Band曾是我的最愛, 這陣子卻越來越愛哀怨的Lady Day. 雖然她的聲音不在甜美, 但她真的能唱出令人動容的I get along without you very well 和 I am a fool to want you. (手上另一個令我感動的版本是Chet Baker唱的. 一樣是悲劇性的人生, 這種時候就只好承認我的雙魚座性格真的存在.)

  感謝小澍的幫忙,找到了I get along without you very well 的歌詞,不過還是要聽歌比較會了解我在說什麼. 發現在年紀稍長的現在, 就是由看飛躍比佛利到看Sex and the City的現在, 沒有辦法不喜歡Lady Day的歌. 基本上, 她的人生就是一首首的藍調, 一次次在愛情裡面受傷, 卻又沒極度的渴望愛情, 她的歌聲傳到出這樣的絕望. 其實從CD的選曲就會發現, 她的歌就是她的人生. 跟許多Jazz Vocalist相比,她的歌唱技巧不是最好的, 歌聲就更不用說了, 晚期的錄音可以明顯的聽出酗酒問題讓她的歌聲變得沙啞, 但是Billie Holiday人生的滄桑讓她的每一首歌不祇是旋律加上歌詞而已.

I get along without you very well

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except when soft rains fall
And drip from leaves
Then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms
Of course, I do
But I get along without you very well

I've forgotten you just like I should
Of course, I have
Except to hear your name
Or someone's laugh that is the same
But I've forgotten you just like I should

What a guy
What a fool am I
To think my breaking heart
Could kid the moon
What's in store
Should I fall once more
No, it's best that I stick to my tune

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except perhaps in Spring
But I should never think of Spring
For that would surely break my heart in two

What's in store
Should I fall once more
No, it's best that I stick to my tune

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except perhaps in Spring
But I should never think of Spring
For that would surely break my heart in two


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